Placenta encapsulation

Has anyone ever dome the plancenta encapsulation? If so, would your u say it worked? It's something I think I really would like to do. 
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I've never tried it personally I don't think it's for me just because there is no real tangent proof of the benefits it supposedly promotes.  I've seen people do it but it's not for me. 


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I mean might as well cook it & eat it for dinner.... Lol kidding


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My sister did it with her first and she will do it with her second due any day now. She raves about it. And feels like it's super beneficial 


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I never have, I'm a ftm, but I'm defintely going to. I wish it wasn't so taboo in our society. The benefits are amazing!


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I did with my my first and I will with my second this time. It really helped tremendously with postpartum and my milk supply. I totally recommend it! Just make sure you are doing your research from who you will have it done by. Mine was from a local doula. She was wonderful and picked up the placenta from the hospital and delivered the capsules to my home when they were done. I didn't have to do anything, except tell her when I was going into labor. :) Good luck!