TTC after Miscarriage in December

Shannon • I am 25 and married. Hoping to get pregnant!!
My husband and I got pregnant our first time trying. We were so excited! Our baby was due July 11, 2016. We were 6 weeks along when we, prematurely, told our families. 
After an entirely natural miscarriage at 10 weeks, I have finally started my cycle (is it weird that I was really excited about it!?). The thought of getting to start trying again with the blessing and encouragement from our doctor is really exciting! And also the most frightening thing I have ever been faced with. My incredible husband is totally on top of being superman and continues to remind me of how supportive and optimistic our OBGYN was at our last visit, but it was so painful emotionally and physically. We want a family! We have talked about having a family since our third date! We got married in October, pregnant two weeks after our wedding, and a miscarriage a week and a half before Christmas. And we still want to get this ball back on track!  But when does the fear go away!? Or am I just going to feel afraid until we are holding our baby?