26 weeks into giving Birth.

Alexis • Excepting a baby girl 💕 April 21, 2016
Now I have been in and out of the hospital for 3 weeks now. So it all started when I was sitting on the couch and fluid came out. I was rushed to the nearest Hospital my mom thought my water had broken. I get there and they tell me that my water do not break and I have 2 infections and was sent home with medications. The symptoms never improved it actually got worse. So starting 5 days ago I stared getting bad cramping on and off in my stomach horrible pain so I was rushed to the hospital again because my mom thought I was getting contractions I get there and they tell me they don't think I I am having contractions because it was not picking up on the machine because the baby so small, so I was sent home again. That whole night I was up with terrible terrible contractions just horrible. So the next day after being up all night with no sleep and excruciating pain. We decide to go supposed to hospital I am supposed to give birth at which is 45 minutes away from my home. I get here and they told me I am dilating and my water has broke and I am ruptured, Now I am terrified scared not knowing what is going to happen if my daughter is going to be here any minute now. They had found a out my water probably been broken for 3 weeks now and I have been having said contractions. I have been admitted into the hospital so they can keep in eye on any infections and I had to stay here until I have to give birth. They told me that the baby will be premature and that worries me a lot. Today I am 26 weeks and 5 days so I can only hope for the best this is in Gods hand now and all I can do is pray. Skylar mommy loves you. ♡
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Posted at
Your in the best place u can be for that baby at the moment being in the hospital sucks but they will keep a very very close eye in you and baby and can give u iv fluids and medication for infection as needed also if something starts to go bad with baby or you they can do an emergency c section anytime dont stress relax as best you can during ur new vaction stay its always nice to have visitors so let ur family and friend know you would enjoy their company phone calls texts fb messages etc to keep ur spirts up and some communications and good vibes etc ur nurses will become ur best friends dont be afraid to push that button for any reason and remember DO NOT get out of that bed without help their are numerous things they can provide u with as well ask for a counselor to come see you they can help get you things to do while ur their to pass tine such as books to read movies to watch puzzle books etc also ask ur mom or someone to bring you clothes from home for comfort u don't have to stay in those robes alone I loved wearing my shorts under them and having a robe of my own and slippers etc also ur own pillow and smaller throw type blanket makes u so much more comfortable my stay with my twins was 14weeks also dont my afriad to order whatever u want from the room service even just for snack hope everything goes well for you and ur lil one


Kristen • Jan 21, 2016
your welcome I've just been their done that kinda thing and know how much it suxs but I promise its so so so worth it


Alexis • Jan 20, 2016
thank you so much for all this advice I do very much appreciate it! ♡


Posted at
Sending love and best wishes. I have 2 friends who have had very early premies. One at 24 weeks and one at 25. Both babies thriving and one is 13 months now and one is 5 years. Stay strong xx


Kelly • Jan 20, 2016
Your welcome hun. must be a very frightening time for you x


Alexis • Jan 20, 2016
thank you so much and thank you for the information that helps me a lot! 💚


Posted at
This is so scary and sad. Prayers to you!!!! Good luck mommy!!!! Hope to hear good updates.


Alexis • Jan 20, 2016
yes it is, thank you so much tho!! 💖


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Prayers for you and your family!


Rosemary • Jan 20, 2016
you're very welcome


Alexis • Jan 20, 2016
thank you!! ♡


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My friend had a simular story to yours.she gave birth at 26.4 weeks. Her daughter was in the hospital for a long time. She was always worried she would never bring her daughter home. Science has changed tremendously her daughter is now perfectly healthy and about to be 1 in a month. God is good . YOU cant give up and tell yourself you can do it. Try not to stress and keep her in as long as you can. Good luck to you and your miracle baby


Danielle • Jan 21, 2016
your very welcome. please keep us all updated


Alexis • Jan 20, 2016
thank you so much!! I'm trying my best!! it's just very scary too! but I appreciate you taking the time to give me some input !! 💙


Posted at
Goodluck rest up .. I'm praying for u both


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I would be worried about your water having been broke for so long. When I was full term and my water broke the hospital had to give me pitocin to induce labor because my body wasn't doing it on its own. They were worried about the baby being in there too long without the fluid to protect it. I'm sure your doctors are aware of this and have given you lots of antibiotics to keep you and baby safe.I am sending positive vibes for you and your family. Please keep us updated!


Alexis • Jan 20, 2016
yes I've been on so many antibiotics, fluids and shots In my bum for the baby's brain and lungs, there isn't a lot of fluid around the baby so she can be coming at anytime I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow! & thank you so much!!


Posted at
I know its easier said than done but try to relax. When I was 28 weeks, I had ruptured membranes. I was admitted to the hospital til the birth of my son. But I was able to leave 4 days later because they found that I had a forebag that broke (like a bag of water before my actual wafer) and that was caused the amnisure strip to come up positive for my water being broken. You'll be on antibiotics and everything. They should give you a couple steroid shots to help your baby's lungs. Just try to stay calm. Keep up posted with some answers. Praying for you


Alexis • Jan 20, 2016
Yeah they gave me to shots in my bum already for the baby's brain and lungs and im on a lot of fluid and antibiotics too I feel a lot better than I was ill be 27 weeks tomorrow I'm just hoping for the best that's all you can really do & thank you!! 💛


Posted at
Keeping you in my thoughts


Posted at
Praying for you & your family! I'm so sorry you're going through this!