Braxton hicks - are they normal? FTM!

I'm 25 weeks today. Ive been having a lazy day - the first in a very long time. I haven't left my bed other than to go to the bathroom. Earlier this morning, I was laying in bed and my lower stomach got tight. No pain, no issues. I got up and walked around my room and it loosened up. Fast forward a few hours later, I had apparently fallen asleep. I woke up and rolled over. My stomach tightened up again. Still no pain or uncomfort, but it brought on the paranoia. I'm a FTM, so I don't know the difference between Braxton hicks and actual labor contractions. I hadn't had anything to drink yet today and I just read dehydration can cause them (it's 2:51pm now) - so I got up and got one and have been drinking that and I got a snack. I hope it helps. I've had one prior Braxton hicks contraction and it was weeeeeeks ago. So to have two in one day scares me.