Secret identity

Jessica • Armenian&Black mixed my hubby is Dominican&Mexican &together we are trying to conquer the world😄 MI✈️NV
I've been with my fiancé since June 10, 2013 and since March 10, 2014 I've been living with him and his wife/baby momma. I've been having to play as a lesbian woman so I can be n the house and live with my man while he has his daughter him and I both did not know that he had a daughter til his baby momma came clean and admitted to have their baby when she had lied to him before I came around and stated that she had a miscarriage when he found that he had a baby we were already like 4 months n our relationship and I didn't want that ruin our relationship so I stuck strong knowing that he had a baby with another woman while it was just me and him until it was time to move outta state and I went along with him and claimed I was his lesbian best friend and ever since then things haven't been the same I have gotten pregnant but had a still birth due to stress I had to have a threesome with his wife and him to use that as an excuse on how I became pregnant and when she found out I was pregnant she use to tell him that she was gunna poison me, slit my throat, kill me etc etc but I stayed strong for my daughter but not strong enough I lost my daughter on June 8, 2015 that was the worst day n my life and haunts me everyday. Now things are okay but I can't get over the fact that he has to lie to his baby momma about our relationship to keep his daughter. When I first met him he told me he was single with no kids and now years layer I'm with a married man that has a kid I cannot handle this anymore but I'm not strong enough to move on I'm n so much pain everyday