Need so advice

So ladies. I have had a pain under the bottom of my right shoulder blade near the middle of my back for months. I thought it was because Iv gone up 2 bra sizes so although uncomfortable I just put a hot water bottle on it or had a warm bath when it flared up. Anyway it got so bad nothing worked for the pain so I booked a doctors appointment but had to wait 2 weeks (still waiting). Anyway over the last 3 days or so the pain has subsided in my back but is 100x worse round the front just under my boob/ top of my bump. At first I just thought it was my bra rubbing but now I'm to the point where I can't touch it at all without nearly crying and I sometimes struggle to breath. I have an appointment tomorrow with my midwife so will be asking her about it seen as my doctors appointment is still a week away but can anyone give me any advice to manage the pain mainly just so I can get some sleep. I worked nights last night and have not slept during the day as have been waiting for my cot to be delivered so at 36weeks and 3days  I'm sure you can sympathise with how exhausted I am. Thanks in advance x