Changing body and pregnancy

I'm writing anonymously because I'm embarrassed that I'm feeling the way I do, but I feel like I need to get this out. 
Pre-pregnancy I wasn't the most fit person, but I have always been weight aware. I have always watched what I ate and did cardio a few times a week. I have never had an eating disorder and have always stayed at a healthy weight.
According to the scale, I haven't gained any weight (I am 15 weeks) but I feel huge and my clothes are too snug. I know that all of this is due to beautiful gift that's growing but for some reason I have let my body image start to bother me. I've really struggled with depression so during the pregnancy and I know a lot of it is hormones. My husband and I have always wanted kids and this is such a blessing. 
I feel so bad for being consumed with my muffin top instead of enjoying this experience.