Is there too much blood to be a period or a cyst rupture? Am I going absolutely insane?

Okay, so last night I hadn't started my period. This morning I got up and still nothing. After about ten minutes of throwing up because I was so nauseas, (I didn't go to school because of it) I was trying to make food that sounded good and that I knew would stay down. Well, right when I put it on the stove, I started gushing blood and I had this strange sharp pain which I though one of my cysts on my ovary had popped but there had never been that much blood. I was to the point where I was throwing up, bleeding terribly even with a tampon and a pad on, and I was waiting for my mom to get home. I have no idea what it is, but thank god I didn't go to school today. I'm still bleeding worse than I was this morning so I decided to double up on pads and crap but I need help. The pain keeps getting worse, but I think it's my period, and it's never been this heavy or painful. Ever. Help me please so I don't fricken die of blood loss.(maybe and over exaggeration but it feels like I'm gonna die, lol) not a moment to be laughing though...(I was on my hands and knees attempting to wipe up the floor earlier even though I was still bleeding)