Olivia • 22 years old, single momma 👣 Dominic A. was born April 28, 2016 👶🏼
I lost it on her today, finally. For the last five months, she has been constantly mad at me about anything. First, it was my fault for the pregnancy and I ruined her sons life, then it was the fact that I'm having a boy and not a girl, I can't make it to the shower she planned for me (Which she planned at her house, two hours from where I live and wants it three weeks after my son is born), the fact that I got a dietician because I was losing weight for the first four months and now because we can't visit her. My SO works for the military and is on contract for the next 3-6 months, and I work part - time while i go to school full time to get my college degree. She literally told me today that I'm making it so difficult to be nice to when I keep pulling her son away from her. The amount of times I have cried after fighting with her is horrible, and although my SO stands up to her, she doesn't stop! He keeps telling me to ignore her, but she won't stop texting/calling until I answer. He hasn't given her his new cell phone number because she is so harrassing. It's becoming so difficult now because I'm always alone at home, dealing with the stress of being pregnant (27 weeks now) and her constantly harrassing me and putting me down!! I am ready to disown her completely and not allow her to see my son, but I don't want to be cruel...I just don't know what to do 😭😭