No US or exams?

Am I think only one whose last ultra sound was around 20 weeks and hasn't even gotten any exams yet? I just get the heart rate Doppler then asked have you had contractions or bleeding and then told "Have a good day." Nothing else. I'm 34 weeks and I'm getting kinda worried about how she's developing, how big she is, how she's positioned, if she's gained / gaining correctly etc. I'm 5'4 and weighing at 130.3lb, starting weight was 120.6lb so that's why I'm nervous that maybe somethings wrong. 
-EDIT- I should have mentioned, in the beginning I was considered high risk due to having a LEEP not even a yr ago with a history of 2 miscarriages and cervical measurements came in on the shorter side. Luckily just got by without having to get a cerclage though. My last visit I measured smaller than the one prior.