Sleepless in California


Has anyone else become a complete insomniac? All day I'm tired but I can't actually fall asleep cuz I'm a mother to 3 beautiful girls, so I take it as easy as possible..lay down or watch some tv...crochet... but never fall asleep. When it finally comes time to go to bed...I find myself super uncomfortable and/or hot (which is some whole other craziness i feel like im on the loner boat with)and not being able to sleep. Lately I can't get to bed much before 5am and then I get up around 7:45 to take my 2 older daughters to school...I come back and sleep about 2.5 hours more before hubs goes to work. (Which this has been my schedule for over 3 years since hubs works nights)

I was just wondering if I'm the only crazy one here stuck in this boat all by myself? Thanks ladies :)