Mixed Emotions

Well my husband and I are expecting our first baby after 2 years of trying( we got pregnant in October thanks to fertility clinic) and the doctor thinks that it's a girl. My husband has a daughter and a son from his 1st marriage so this is technically his 3rd baby and anytime I try to show him things I have found that I like for our baby he reminds me he has seen it all before with his ex wife. And at this point I am feeling he doesn't want this baby like I do. I tried talking it out with him but I am supposed to just accept the fact that he has done before so it is not a big deal. I'm not sure what to do or say anymore. I just wanna cry about it cause he is the one who pushed for us to keep trying and go to fertility doctor in order to get pregnant and now my baby and I are not good enough for him to even pretend to be excited. Please help
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Tell him how your feeling tell himYou get he's a guy and not as into it and you know he's been there done that but not with you and you deserve that and to have those special moments with him also.


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I understand that must be frustrating but he's a guy. It's like if you take them clothes shopping with you they hate it. I'm sure he is very happy that your pregnant and having a baby. I know you said you tried talking to him. Did you tell him it's your first time unlike his so you haven't seen it all and would love his input on things for the new baby. 


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Exactly what the other posts are saying...he's a guy. It's not necessarily he doesn't care, but he may not realize it's coming off like that. Most guys don't bond with their babies until they are born....and even in the case of my son/ husband until they are old enough to interract! My husband doesn't ever want to feel the baby move in my belly because he's scared it will feel weird to him. Just talk to him and let him know you get he's done this before but this is a first time for you so you are excited about it.


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Some guys don't really connect with the baby until its born. Nothing really changes for them until that point. Just remind him this is your first go around and you'd appreciate it if he would show some enthusiasm 


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This is exactly how I feel today. Its bothering me a ton


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Just try explaining how you feel about it some men just arent that into the shopping and stuff. Shoot if you wanna take my SO off my hands he'll beat you to the shopping lol jk jk but each man is different and sometimes its hard for them to get into it especially if they've done it all before. Push come to shove pull out the hormones 


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Stop talking to him, or cuss him out, let him see those hormones!!! 


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My husband is not that into to talking about those things either... Don't worry


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I tried explaining this is my first to show excitement and he said he likes babies but he has done all this. Even when I told him yes you have but this is our first and you could pretend but nope he did this before. But with his ex wife he was all about his daughter and son. And he keeps asking if I am gonna have another after this one. And this point I don't want anymore kids. Not to mention she keeps giving me advice and recommendations for her daycare to use and her doctor for my baby.


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I think he's just being a man. They don't have the same emotions as we do. Don't get me wrong, if feel just as hurt as you do, but maybe he was like that with his other kids. I'm still TTC #1 but I can foresee that my husband is not going to be excited about a cute baby outfit or whatnot.  Don't let that take away from your excitement!