After loss :(

Jericha • Married 5/10/14, together since 10/1/06. Fur mommy to Hazel the Chocolate Lab. TTCing #1 since April 2015.

I just needed to share this...

While I know I will never "get over" my loss, since passing my estimated due date, I have felt less stressors in my life. Things that used to bother me like coworkers' babies etc seem to be less difficult to cope with being around/talking about.

Well I had an appointment with my OB, consultation really, as we are approaching 1 year of trying. I kind of wanted to get the ball rolling if we are going to need any assistance conceiving. Well my luck is that they put me in the same dang room as when I was told I was losing my baby. I mean it's really just a standard Dr. office room, but there was this wind chime that I focused on last time while they were doing what they needed to do. I focused on it to keep from loosing it because I knew it was happening, I didn't need her to tell me I was no longer pregnant.

Well anyways, I couldn't help but bawl in that office yesterday when seeing it. Probably any sane person would have requested another room. However, I tend to keep my mouth shut as I'm not very outspoken. In that teary-eyed moment, it was quite strange, I felt so close to my lost baby.

Also in other non-conceiving news, my family lost 2 members yesterday. A cousin on my mom's side and an aunt on my dad's side. The cousin was very young, 32 i think. She is leaving behind a husband and 6 kids. Please pray for my family as we will miss them greatly. :(