Boyfriend problems. Advice please!

My boyfriend and I have been happily dating for 3 and a half years. About 3 months ago we started having financial problems. He works 3-midnight I work 8am-5pm. We hardly see each other except the two nights he has off (Sunday and Monday) with this stress of finances and never seeing each other we have been fighting a lot more than usual. Because we've been fighting he has been lying a lot more about little things I.E. Going out to the bar or a friends after work, spending $5-$10 here and there, or even doing small chores around the house. I'm so over all this little lying I've tried to calmly tell him I won't be mad if he just tells me. I've even held off fighting when he tells me something I know he normally lies about. I am so fed up about him lying about going out after work because I'm asleep I really don't know what he's doing, not like i'd care if he told me in the first place. But we fight because the fact he's lying. Lately I've been saying I'm so done with the lying I'm fed up I just want to be respected enough to be told the truth. He hears this as I'm going to leave him. I don't want to leave him I just want him to understand that I'm tired of the lies. I'm very bad with words, what are some ways to say this without coming off as if I'm "threatening to leave him"