I went out of town and left all my tests at home :) however my friends are all offering to buy me tests haha. So I just keep telling them it's too early.
Just wait. Last cycle I had a BFP AT 11DPO only to have my period start CD30 (normally my cycles are 26 days) the dreaded chemical pregnancy. I wish I hadn't even known. I went to the Dr for confirmation on CD27. They said my HCG level was abnormal but maybe I just miscalculated when I ovulated and wasn't as far a long as I thought, but then the positives turned to negatives and the HCG went down even further and my period started. It was like a cruel trick. Wait if you can. Wait until you are a few days late if possible.
I'm stuck in the house because of the blizzard. I purposely didn't buy any tests and it looks like we won't get out until sometime later in the week, which will be right around the time I can test. Trying not to think about it. Would love to have a glass (or two or three!) of wine, but I don't want to take any chances.
yeah, this storm is for the birds. Oh that's right, they all went south for winter! Yeah, I doubt I'll make it to the store. I have a conference starting first thing Friday morning, so I doubt I'll be able to test before then since I have no tests! They said to stay off the roads until at least Monday.
Rachael • Jan 24, 2016
Lucky me I live in England have zero snow! Just horrible cold weather. Dying to test today but think I should wait untill Friday!
Lizzie • Jan 24, 2016
28 inches?!? holy crap! I moved to Florida because I was sick of the winter lol. im at work which keeps me busy most of the day.
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I just give in to the urge and pee on cheapies. It helps quench the urge for the day knowing it's negative (even though I already know in my mind that it is probably still to early to test). Also...I let myself have the wine while it's still negative. 😉🍷
how many dpo are you? I took one today too, bfn. I'm 9or 10dpo though and I've never gotten even a faint line before 11dpo
EKS • Jan 24, 2016
15 days late would drive me absolutely batty. I have a hard time with normal PMS!
Rachael • Jan 24, 2016
I'm 15 days late now but had a negative after 11 days, went the GP and she said to wait because it's probably too early for me. My hormones are always playing up. Usually have periods like clockwork though. Doesn't make sense!
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Every time I go into the bathroom I have to tell myself to wait!