Aleve (/NSAIDS) while TTC

Laura • High school teacher, rescue dog mom, army wife
Has anyone gotten pregnant while using NSAIDS therapeutically? I am currently in my first TTC cycle and have been taking Aleve every day since the beginning of the cycle. My podiatrist asked me to do this for a couple of months due to a foot injury. I know you can't take NSAIDS while pregnant so I planned to stop during my TWW. However, I've noticed that I am ovulating very late. I have no comparison to previous cycles because I never tracked ovulation, but I'm currently on CD17 and my OPKS look like I will ovulate around day 20. A little bit of googling brought up some studies that say NSAIDS can cause late ovulation and potentially temporary infertility. Does anyone have any experience taking NSAIDS while TTC? I would love to hear about your experiences.