Really freaked! Need advice.

I'm 37.2weeks pregnant. Last night my husband and I were going at it from behind kinda rough. I went to the bathroom and peed in the morning and I found a bit of blood in the pee with little specks of blood clots. It was not bright red but not super brown blood. I wiped my vaginal area and there was a decent amount of spotting on the toilet paper. Freaked, called the dr. She said it was most likely from the sex and an irritated cervix. As long as it's not bright red, I'm not having contractions, oland my kick counts are good I don't need to come in. So o grab a pad just in case there is more blood through out the day. (All day I've been asleep like I'm so completely wiped out). I go to the bathroom and notice the back side of the pad is got a bit of brownish blood. I go poop and I wipe and literally start freaking because there is SO much blood, bright red blood. I keep wiping and it keeps bleeding. Funny thing is I didn't really strain during poop but the way my daughter was lying earlier in the week I got a hemorrhoid but I thought it went away. I wiped a couple times and I'm pretty certain that the blood is coming from my anus. Still I'm very scared at the amount. And I don't know if I should call my OB or what. I've been kinda crampy since last night, today I feel awful (sore everywhere, prolly from sex). Everytime I lay on my right now I get an intense pain in my side and become extremely nauseous. Help! What should I do?! I don't think anything is happening to baby but I don't wanna wait too long if something is..2nd mom here but I never labored or prelabored with first. I have never bled this entire pregnancy.