
Looking for a place to vent.  I have this feeling deep inside that I am meant to have another baby.  We have been trying for over a year now.  2 chemicals and a lot of negatives.  This past month I had a dream I was pregnant.  Like one of those dreams you swear is real.  I woke up completely devastated that it was a dream.  I've never been so upset about a dream before.  Then I thought maybe I am pregnant and since my period was due the next day I took a test.  It looked positive- faint but positive.  I took 3 dollar tree test all the same- faint line.   The next day I started Bleeding and was heartbroken.  I took a FRER hoping for breakthrough bleeding.  I saw a line, but even fainter.  Still had a hope until completely white on the next day's test.  I feel so alone.  I can't talk to anyone about it because they say "well at least you have 2 children. ". Yes I am blessed and I know that some women can't have any, but that doesn't mean I can't be saddened when I struggle for another.  Just wanted to post because I know many other women on here know how I feel.