God answered prayers encouragement to all you ladies xoxo

My story is the same as anyother concerned 20 something & you have that moment where you say I'm late maybe I'm pregnant..fast forward to that 2 week dreaded wait not knowing gods plans & every test negative i took at least 5 tests all brands all negative swore I've never felt off like this in my life peeing every 5 minutes.. So fatique were as I'm always busy..no period still then i had some light spotting on & off and said ok I've never had that whats the deal? Praying to god for answers i decided to test again faint pink line on a strip test & i couldn't believe it fast forward again to going to dr to confirm it & blood negative at this point ive accepted gods will and wanted to move on but that still small voice in my head said hold on..I waited on the lord & i bought another test i prayed the night before i took it that he would reveal the 2 lines i pray for boom that morning positive then another positve and another and another so here i am w 5 posives & I'm in awe of god i want you to know trust your body i know I'm pregnant and i ask for prayers to see my baby on my ultrasound at prenatal appt its amazing to know in the moments of doubt god seen me through i had to be still and know hes god hebrews 11. 1 now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see i hope my testimony brings hope to any of you who feel alone as your body says yes & tests say no I'll pray for you all xoxo thanks for reading im 16 weeks tomorrow xoxoxoxxo💜💜💜💜💜💜💜