My Boyfriend vs My Parents

Okay so my Boyfriend and I have been together since 06/11/2015 (roughly almost 3 months) and he's a virgin and I'm not. We talked about things and he said he wants to take things slow and we both agree that it wasn't the right time, however I still stayed at his and we just cuddled all night. But even though I've stayed at his a few times my Mum is still reluctant to let him stay at my house...she said wait a little longer but she knows that we talked and that we just cuddle a lot really but she still keeps saying "just wait, maybe around 6 months you've been together".
Don't get me wrong a love my mum and she puts a lot of trust in me, I just wish she'd be more relaxed about this. My brothers started being able to have girls round when they were 15 no matter how long they'd been dating the girl, I'm 17 next month and I'm still not allowed and that just feels really unfair and I don't know what to do...I know I could just wait another few months but I love just cuddling with him but I feel bad always going to his house. I mean, my Mum lets him come round but he has to be gone home by 22:00 and it's just a pain in the ass really...
I don't particularly mind waiting but I've only had one or two short talks with my mum about this so I guess I could confront her about it...or I could wait...or any other suggestions? What could I do? What does anyone else think I should do? Please.