No sign of Ovulation with clomid 100mg!!!

Melodie • Baby #1 is 18 months... TTC#1= PREG at my second round of clomid. Now PREG with baby #2. First month we tried, no medication. Due date= nov.2018 ❤️ PCOS+MTHFR+FVLeiden homozygous. 11 years with my husband. 28M-28F
Hello clomid ladies!! I'm day 13 and I'm really dry, like no CM at all .. witch is unusual for me. No sore boobs. No cramps or sharp pain. Nothing. Here is my BBT chart.... Has it happen to anyone before ? Did you finally ovulate? I know its early but I just feel like clomid doesnt work with me because I had no sideeffect and now no sign I could be ovulating soon.