Teen Pregnancies

I will start out by saying I'm 17 and pregnant but I see many side of the argument and am generally a non biased opinion. I've only been on here a couple days and have been overwhelmed by the number of teen pregnancies I have come across. Teens are aloud to have sex if they feel it is right for them and their bodies and they should dissucuss it with their partner. The goal is to make teens feel safe discussing their sexual activity so they may talk to an adult about being safe whether it be condoms or birth control. Also you should not blame a parent for a teens pregnancies, plenty of great parents and great kids end up in these situations. Teen pregnancies happen for any number of reasons and you should not shame a anyone. You don't know the situation, rape, broken condom, mistake happen and what's done is done. However no teen should be trying to get pregnant, our bodies are not fully grown nor our minds. Also most teens don't have the means to be financially accountable or finnished with higher school. That does not mean they cannot be a great mother but it is not a wise decision for a teen to get pregnant. The goal is to educate teens on the consequences of their decisions. Teens need to know that their bodies are not meant to carry babies and they need to ensure their own futures before bringing another life into this world. Teens must be taught that babies do not make things better, they don't make boyfriends stay, and they won't make a relationship stronger. Parenting is hard and babies will add stress to a relationship and if anything make it worse. To be a good mother you must make choices to do what's best for your baby and to do that it means waiting till your older to have a baby. Having a baby later in life is better for their future children. 