The Aiden/Brayden/Jayden Baby Trend.

Girl Mom. 🎀 • Mama bear of two!
I've got to rant for a moment. Are people seriously getting so boring with names that they're all naming their babies the same things? I teach 2nd grade. Last year I had FOUR Brayden's, all spelled differently. I had to call them all by their last names and that's just not cool. On top of the 4 boys named that, there were TWO Jayden's and TWO Zayden's and one Kayden. Out of a class of 29 students, when eleven people have rhyming names, it gets pretty old really quick. This year in my class I have two Jayden's and one Tayden. This whole trend of these similar names is just so annyoing. People, please, get more creative when naming your babies. Does anybody else agree here? #rantover
** note: I am not bashing these names. Just expressing my opinion.