Second loss.

Just found out today that I definitely loss my second little one. Two weeks ago I was supposed to be 8 weeks and there was only a gestational sac measuring 6 weeks. I told my Dr I wanted to wait and see what happens. Today the sac hadn't grew any and there was no yolk sac or baby. I am devastated. She sent me home with a prescription for the pills because I have been so sick I can't even chew gum without throwing up. She is afraid that I will end up in the hospital if I wait for it to happen naturally since I haven't had any cramping or spotting in the last two week. I just feel so lost right now. I keep blaming myself saying there must be something wrong with me that I can't carry a baby! Also I wanna tell the world I am not OK I just lost a baby, but in this society they expect you to hide your loss and move on!