What's the deal with the Zika Virus?

Gunce • Head of research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 6 IVF treatments.

Hi everyone - I have been deep in Zika Virus research mode for the past week, because I know many moms in our Nurture community are concerned. Here is what I found out and I apologize in advance that some of it is scary. But I am always in favor of empowerment through knowledge. The NYTimes did a great report this very morning, found here

What is the Zika Virus?

It's a mosquito-transmitted infection that appears to be linked to the development of unusually small heads and brain damage (microcephaly) in newborns. 80% of the people who contract this virus do not even have symptoms. The other 20% may experience fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes. (In addition to mosquitos, there has been one report of possible spread through blood transfusion and one of possible spread through sex. The virus was also found on one occasion in semen.)

Why all the panic lately?

While the Zika Virus is common in Africa and Asia, it did not begin spreading widely in the Western Hemisphere until last May, when an outbreak occurred in Brazil. Until now, almost no one on this side of the world had been infected. Few of us have immune defenses against the virus, so it is spreading rapidly. Millions of people in tropical regions of the Americas may now have been infected. Most alarmingly, normally about 150 cases of microcephaly are reported in Brazil each year, but right now authorities in Brazil are investigating nearly 4,000 cases.

How does this affect pregnant women?

According to the CDC, pregnant women should not visit the following countries: Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The list of countries is being updated daily and travel advisories can be found here. (A few airlines have already said they would allow pregnant women to rebook trips to these areas free of charge.)

If a pregnant woman absolutely has to visit or already lives in these countries, then they should do their best to avoid bug bites. The CDC has a comprehensive list of recommendations on how to do so found here.

If a pregnant woman has already visited these countries, or currently lives in these countries and has displayed any of the two above symptoms, now is the time to talk to your doctor.

What now?

Honestly, there is still a lot of uncertainty. First, it has not even been conclusively proven that the Zika Virus is causing the microphalyare. Second, no country, not even the US, is prepared to test all of its pregnant moms for this virus. Third, even if they did, there is no cure, no vacination as of yet for this virus.

I will leave this pinned for a while so that anyone who sees useful information can add to it. Please remember, our aim should not be to spread unnecessary fear, but to give each other the most reliable information so that we can all make the best choices. 

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Posted at
I cancelled my spring trip to Mexico. Didn't get back my room fees with the hotel but got a full refund on the airline.


Mandy • Feb 4, 2016
This isn't propaganda, it's dangerous to yourself if you think it is.... This is extremely serious for all pregnant women


Albi • Jan 30, 2016


Albi • Jan 30, 2016
Marissa - it's interesting what you say. Have you had no cases on the virus being present in Mexico or babies being diagnosed with microcephaly?


Posted at
I am from Brazil and decided to come to the US until I reach 20 weeks (supposedly it is the most vulnerable period). But news just get worst and worst so I am starting to freak out about the begining of my pregnancy eventhough I never had any symptoms and about going back home in March. I cant spend my entire pregnancy away from my husband though!! Unbelievable how something so mild can have such terrible consequences on an unborn baby. The scariest thing is that nobody knows anything about it for sure.I already "moved" to a different country to have a little peace of mind, so if you are unsure about cancelling a trip or babymoon to one of the inffected locations I would tell you to cancel without any doubts! Go somewhere else because even if the chances are low it is not worth the risk.


Ela • Feb 17, 2016
Interesting article Adrianna, thanks for sharing! I enjoy reading Dr. Mercola's view on these things. I am gonna hang on another month away from home (until I reach 20 weeks). Hopefully I will have more peace of my mind and feel that my baby is safe by the time I go back.


Adrianna • Feb 16, 2016


Ela • Feb 10, 2016
Since 2009*


Posted at
I cancelled my trip . I'm not risking my baby's health for a couple of weeks of fun in the sun . The summer will come to New York in a few months and I'm a patient woman . 


India • Feb 6, 2016
Me too. Once I heard about the numbers of the birth defect I let my friend know I wouldn't be able to attend her wedding.


Posted at
I'm so worried 😞 I am a flight attendant and was in Brazil a couple of times during my first trimester ... I didn't have any symptoms but I've also read that sometimes symptoms do not show ... I have my 30 week is scheduled for 02/19 and I have been so anxious .. I can't even sleep right ... Just wish this virus wasn't so scary and dangerous. I'm just praying everything is okay with my baby girl. 🙏🏽


Adrianna • Feb 16, 2016


Leticia • Feb 5, 2016
My case .. I would test positive because I've had Dengue fever twice as a child and as a teenager when I lived in Brazil with my mom.


Leticia • Feb 5, 2016
I called my doctor today and he said that there is a blood test but it is most effective when the person is showing symptoms and if the person has ever had Dengue fever or Chikungunya it will test as a false positive for Zika because all virus's are transmitted by the same mosquito! That would be


Posted at
I have been doing a lot of research as well and a very interesting article I came across said that the deformities were actually due to the mandatory vaccine that these women were given...may be conspiracy theory but zika has been around for decades why the sudden rise in deformities? Makes one wonder if it is really due to the virus or a completely different issue...what are they not telling us!?!?


Jessica • Feb 23, 2016
Exactly. And columbia hasn't had any microcephaly cases linked to their hundreds of thousands of zika cases. based on my research it's the new vaccine they've been giving the women and the larvaecide in local waters.


Adrianna • Feb 16, 2016


Victoria • Feb 12, 2016
Worried me too


Posted at
As I learned in grad school...correlation certainly does NOT mean causation. While there may be a lot of correlation between the Zika virus and certain birth defects, it does not necessarily mean that the virus is the one thing that causes it. And they have not had enough time to research and make a connection that Zika is the direct and ONLY link related to the specific birth defects. Most of the time you cannot tell a little one has microcephaly (depending if just the brain is not growing vs the brain and skull not growing) until they are born and the virus may be out of the system at the time of birth, so research can only go by documentation history and interviews with the patients.  And all the groups of people seeing these birth defects also have a ton of other things in common...drinking water, food sources, possible little/no prenatal care, etc.  Does that mean I'm going to go and try to get bitten by every mosquito in the most affected areas?? Nope. However, it will be interesting to see what information comes in the future regarding this. 


Genny • Feb 25, 2016
I agree !!


Posted at
I'm a little nervous about it. We went to DR in my first trimester.  But I had an ultrasound at 30 weeks and head was normal size.  We are having another one this week to check again, but I think we are ok!


Jessica • Jan 31, 2016
I was in the Dominican during my first trimester too 😕


Posted at
I'm not worried about the Zika Virus. It will disappear just like Ebola and swine flu. 


Ela • Feb 17, 2016
I think like with any virus epidemic there is no need to be worried if you are not in an affected area... It is completely different if you are though


Adrianna • Feb 16, 2016
Right!! http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/02/16/zika-virus.aspx?x_cid=20160216_lead_zika-virus_facebookdoc


Julia • Feb 15, 2016
I agree. I had someone ask me yesterday if I was worried about it, I said no.


Posted at
For additional info also check out GMO Mosqitous which were released in Brazil last year, right before the Zika spread. They were supposedly created and released to kill another virus which is carried by the same exact mosquito that carries Zika, but could very well be an experiment gone wrong...do your research. I have planned my babymoon in the Bahamas first week of March but if by then the virus has reached the Bahamas I will most likely cancel. 


Adrianna • Feb 15, 2016
What facts are there that microcelephaly is even linked to the Zika Virus? I don't see anything! Doctors from that area have been stated it is not linked to the babies with small heads. They are guessing it's from monsantos Larvacide chemical exposed to these women...


Lindsey • Feb 5, 2016
The gmo mosquitos were released near a population of 5,000 people and are "designed to die". The surge in births with microcephalacy happened all around Brazil and the numbers were too great to be associated with the GMOs. So yes, that is an unfounded conspiracy.


Albi • Jan 30, 2016
Courtney - what exactly are you referring to as a conspiracy theory? The release of GMO Mosquitos in Brazil is a FACT not a theory.


Posted at
I think it'd be helpful to include information pertaining to the US, UK, and Canada... I read that the known Zika infections in the US were contracted elsewhere, and no one is known to have contracted the Zika virus by means of mosquito here so far. 


Adrianna • Feb 16, 2016
Great article. Tells more about how Zika may not be the cause of the microcelephaly . There are pesticides that have been banned sprayed in Brazil in poor areas, Larvacide in water , & the vaccine issue.


Adrianna • Feb 16, 2016


Maggie • Feb 15, 2016
Adrianna, I'm not about to weigh in when I don't have the experience of facts. But what I can say is that the number of people in the US who are infected don't provide a significant sample to make that determination.