Can anyone relate ?

Me and my SO are complete assholes to eachother! In a jokingly way we are completely rude to eachother and say mean ass things but I love it! We've been together 5 years and we are married now. 
Here's an example :
Last night we were going to bed and I wanted the heater on because I get cold at night and gets hot but he kept saying no and I got a little mad. So I was like " maybe if you weren't so fat, you wouldn't be so hot all night !" And he was like " Fat ! Look at your big ass head ! Can barley walk and shit" and I started cracking up! We laid down and he scooted next to me holding me and said are we gonna have sex, I was like no I'm tired and he pushes me almost off the bed and said "get the hell off me then! and again we started laughing our asses off !
Does anyone else have a relationship like this? I know we seem a little immature, but we are adults when it comes to being responsible,,  but It got me thinking is our relationship normal ? Or is its wrong the way we are? I couldn't image it any other way