Pregnancy weight 😢

Ladies I am feeling super down lately. I'm 6 months pp and I can not get rid of any of this baby weight. I usually don't let my body bother me and after my first I took my time and lost the weight in a healthy way. After my first I was a single mom so I didn't feel the pressure of having sex and needing to look good for anyone. This time I'm married and I can just tell that my husband is so turned off by me. I wasn't able to exercise during my second pregnancy and I gained a lot of weight and I am about 60 lbs heavier than where I started. He tells me I'm beautiful and he says all the right things but I see how he looks at me. It's killing me. We never have sex and he never initiates it. I'm so scared to initiate it bc of the fear of being turned down. The only time we do have sex is after he's been drinking. I can't even get dressed in front of him anymore bc I want to ball my eyes out every time I see his stare at my rolls. I've tried talking to him about it but again he tells me he loves me no matter what I look like and not to worry about it.  He's even been going out more for drinks with his friends on Friday nights and I am so paranoid about it. I hate feeling this way. I really just needed to vent. I'm just feeling so down about myself and I don't like it.