How many of you have read, "Taking Control of Your Fertility"?

I'm part way through, and I have seriously learned so much about my body, (definetly more than any doctor has ever taught me)! I would suggest it to anyone TTC, looking to get off prescription/artificial birthcontrol, or even just wanting to learn more about yourself as a women, and some about the man in your life.  
My reasoning for ordering the book, (which I ordered in new-condition off eBay for literally like $4), was to get off the pill. On the pill, I constantly felt so sick & angry/moody as hell, I was not myself in any way, shape or form.
But right after receiving the book we decided to make the next step in our life & TTC. We're still trying, but we're only on month two! 🙏🏼👶🏼👶🏻

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