# of Kiddos, by choice:

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
So I'm pregnancy with #1.. And out of the blue my husband said 'yay we don't have to get Finn (our dog) a new friend - he'll have one in a few months'.. Somehow this led to me saying I'd prefer 2-3 kids like we always talked about and he said no let's compromise and have 2. He has always said 2 is a good number and now he's trying to tell me he's said he wanted only 1 in the past.. Which I would remember bc that's kind of a big deal. I am 1 of 3, he is 1 of 2.. I come from a big family (outside of my siblings) and I enjoy large family. If I were only blessed with 1 - I'd be fine but if I had the choice, 2 at least. I know many only children who always wanted a sibling and missed that dynamic. I know others that are spoiled, selfish, and entitled bc they owned the attention of the family. I don't want any of that!!!  Siblings keep other siblings in check. Don't get me wrong there are amazing only child adults but there is a reason 'only child syndrom' is a thing. If you had the choice, God willing - what number of children would you like to have?  

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