To my comfy little squish...

Dear baby, I know you must be quite comfortable in there; you are too content and to warm to come out into the chilly winter world. These past 40 plus weeks have been unequivocally magical for me, as we get to bond and share time and secrets with each other that no one else will ever understand. You, my baby, have blessed me with such a smooth and easy pregnancy, and I thank you for treating me so well and easing me into motherhood as my first born. You've a sweet disposition already, and I cannot contain my euphoria as I anticipate seeing your equally sweet face for the first time. In case you are worried about leaving your safe place, I can assure you that you will enter the world into a big and loving family: your father, aunts, grandparents, and other relatives ask about you, and long to meet you, everyday. My precious baby, you will come when you are ready, and I will wait for you with loving arms. Mommy is here. Mommy is ready. Mommy loves you more than you'll ever really understand.