How many people did you have in your delivery room while giving birth?

The hospital I'm delivering at is awesome! I chose to deliver at Plano Presbyterian in Dallas,Tx (I live in Dallas) because for the past 6 years they've been rated #1st place to deliver babies in the U.S. My mil works in labor and delivery there and says she has never seen anything like it. The tour is amazing. They provide a wide variety of pediatrician options, they give you a few options of breast pumps for free, they supply you with formula and diapers etc, after having your baby, and you can have as many people in the delivery as you want. They also deliver the baby in the private room where you will be spending the rest of your time there so that you won't have to be moved afterwards. And the baby stays next to you the whole time, the rooms are huge and the nurses and Doctor do everything they need to do in your presence.(all expect for the circumcision), which is fine because I don't wanna hear my little man cry when they do it. But i know a lot of ppl would feel uncomfortable with so many ppl there but my family is huge and so far there will be 9 people in my delivery room. What are your experiences with the hospital you delivered at and how many is "too many" in your opinion to be in the room with you? 

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