MC at 8 weeks, one day at a time

I am 36 and got pregnant for the first time in December. We saw they 7 week ultrasound with heartbeat and were so excited. Five days later I had some brown discharge and something didn't feel right. I went to the doctor and there was no heartbeat. I was just in shock. We had just seen it and a week later it was gone! They said to go home and hopefully it would happen naturally, possibly that night otherwise I would need a D&C. I waited and waited, stayed home from work. And nothing. Finally a week after the miscarriage diagnosis I started bleeding. 
I was 8 weeks 2 days at the MC diagnosis. I had read so many awful stories preparing me for MC. I wanted to give a story of a less traumatic experience. On Tuesday, one week after MC diagnosis I started bleeding a lot. Too much to be at work for so stay home if you can. I was at the grocery store when it started and luckily had supplies with me. Carry pads, extra underwater and pants with you until it happens. Over the last two days it has been quite a lot of heavy bleeding and cramping. Worse than my worst period but not something requiring going to the hospital. I used Always heavy flow pads and stayed home and near a bathroom. I think it is mostly all done now. I did see some clumps and a clear liquid pouch. It sucks and I am so sad. Just writing this so others know they are not alone in this. Hope this helps someone like all the stories have helped me.