Breastfeeding help

My baby is two weeks old and she started off breastfeeding well. Thw doctors told me to feed her every two hours so thats what I've been doing. My husband come homes from work and I would feed her and take a nap so I could catch up on some sleep. But lately she has decided that she wants to eat small amounts every hour (making it very hard for a nap) and then at night she barely eats at all. I have tried everything to get her to eat at night. I change her diaper, undress her, wipe her with a wet washcloth, nothing works. Im lucky if she eats for five minutes. Even when I have woke her all the way up she still doesn't want it. Now my husband is getting frustrated also and wants me to start pumping and bottle feeding her so that he can help feed her. I dont want to give her a bottle yet so its causing agurements. I feel like it I switch to the bottle I have failed. Breastfeeding was the only thing I knew for sure I wanted to do. On top of everything else I'm starting to feel like I have post partum depression setting in. I'm here all day by myself with no help. I'm tired and lonely. My husband used to walk in the door and give me a hug and kiss but now it feels he has forgotten me and goes straight to baby. In know he means well and we are both struggling adjusting to a new baby but he keeps telling me I should be doing this or that, like I'm not doing it good enough. Last night he even asked me what I had done all day. Like I've done baby! Ive changed diapers struggled with feedings all on no sleep. Thats what I've done. Im just so overwhelmed and stressed and I want whats best for my baby but I feel like I'm failing her.