Just had my first miscarriage, feeling awful

After 1 1/2 years of trying, I finally got pregnant, only to lose it a week later.  I'm devastated and am having a hard time wrapping my head around what just happened.  Started bleeding yesterday morning followed by painful cramping.  Spent most of the day at the Dr's office only for him to confirm what I already knew.  The emotional pain is cutting far deeper than the physical and now I understand the heartache of women before me.  My family have been very supportive and my DH, well, I was reminded why he is the amazing man I married.  I never realized how amazing this app is until now.  It's done so well and even after I had to change my pregnancy status, I felt nothing but love and support.  I greatly appreciate it since I only told a couple of ppl I was pregnant and don't have really anyone to talk to about it.  Anyway, if you pray, say a little prayer for me.  On to trying for my rainbow.