40 weeks and 2 days 😢

Kiki 🍉

I am 40 weeks and 2 days, my cervix is still tightly closed and they couldn't do a membraine sweep.

I've tried, acupuncture, reflexology, evening primrose capsules, raspberry leaf tea, bouncing on a fitness ball, walking, stairs and even the eggplant parmigiana which I ate three days in a row.

I have been booked in for a csection on the 15/2 which is 11 days past my due date, I feel so upset as I have been so excited for a natural birth.

I have also had to deal with edema of the breasts and investigations for inflammatory breast cancer. I have had to wait patiently this whole pregnancy trying not to worry as I have to wait until the baby is born for a biopsy and mammogram. It is still uncertain if I will be able to breast feed or pump. Two things I feel so passionate about.

I know all will be good when I am holding my little boy..

This is my glow rant 😢