Please reply any input

All input is appreciated as long as you're not rude. 😉
So on Jan. 14 I got a BFP on FR digital. My period was supposed to start the next day. Well it didn't. I woke up the day after AF was due in so much pain with so much blood. A negative test, of course came out. It was a chemical pregnancy. I was broken. It shattered every bit of my heart and I still cry over it. TTC for over a year. My Symptoms before the BFP were sore breasts, dizziness, constant dull cramps so they didn't bother me at all, acne like no other, very bloated and gassy, I peed at least twice every hour with tons of discharge, and I was tired basically the whole time I wasn't sleeping. 
So I lost my baby. I accepted it. It's a very common thing. It happens to a lot of us. I just happened to find out. 
Well for the past week, I've been having the same symptoms. My boobs especially hurt worse than ever. I'm a smoker which has a lot to do I'm sure with this journey(I only smoked once when I got the BFP) and I can't even get through a whole smoke before I start not feeling good. Not like naseous but I just don't like it. 
I did go to the dr. Blood test showed up negative, of course. That's all they did. 
I've read that a lot of women can get pregnant like right after a chemical or at least it takes less time but don't quote me. With these symptoms I can't help but wonder. AF due in 6 days. I haven't really tracked anything since I lost it. My husband says he doesn't want me to test because he doesn't want to see me hurt anymore. 
I'm not sure what's going on. 
Thanks, ladies. Sorry it was long. Baby dust. ❤️
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Posted at
Not sure what kind of input you're looking for... are you asking what we thinking is going on? First of all, sorry for your loss! Chemicals suck, but I do prefer those to miscarriage. Your husband is right about the testing for the sake of your emotional health, however, you mentioned that you smoke. Of course you know you should try to stop, blah blah blah. But it's not that easy, especially with so much disappointment. I'm sure a bfp is a huge motivating factor to stop smoking, so testing early can be good because it let's you know asap if you have a baby on board and need to try extra hard to resist. All of that being said, perhaps the chemical can act as a motivator as well. In memory of that loss, you could channel your sadness into determination to stop smoking, which will increase your chances of a bfp, and more importantly a healthy baby that makes it full term. You really can do this!


Posted at
This is just what happened to me...I had a negative blood test at 3 weeks pregnant..didn't get a positive until around 5 weeks pregnant so it is possible. 


Posted at
I had never heard of a chemical pregnancy until I had one in August. I bled like normal period then in September I found out I was pregnant again. You could very well be pregnant again just wait until you miss af. Good luck