clear liquid coming from NB's belly button

my son was born on the 21st of January. his umbelical cord stump fell off almost a week ago and it healed up nicely it seemed. the dried blood scab thing went away about three days ago. but, since then i noticed his clothes wet around it. and a brownish orange crust around it. i would clean it every time but still it would be there almost every other diaper change. well earlier about an hour ago i went to change him and his belly muscles flexed a little as he started to cry and a clear fluid started coming out. not a whole bunch though. it almost seemed like he was peeing out of it. i know that sounds crazy and weird. i must admit i freaked my self out at the thought of it. i called the doctor we are going in soon but has anyone else ever experienced anything like this at all? & sorry if its posted in the wrong room idk what category this would fall under. no bashing please.