Hi ladies new here and due in 3weeks. March1st due

I'm 37 weeks with a beautiful baby girl been with hubby for 7years now. This is our third pregnancy , no live children our first two pregnanies ended in miscarriage first were identical twins that stopped growing at 9 weeks and second pregnancy stopped growing at 6 weeks. We are extremely happy n thankful to be pregnant and having our Lil girl soon. We've been through hell and I'm seriously nervous I still can't believe its real until I see her although I feel her move all the time and my belly big as a ball. Its just a feeling I can't explain when you go through loosing two. I have an appointment today I just turned 37 weeks today an I'm ready to get her out I don't wanna be pregnant till 40 weeks. I'm hoping I diailated some . so I'll keep u guys updated.