Dumb system at the doctors office

Ok so yesterday my hubby wasn't feeling well. His allergies were bothering him but he willingly went with me to the doctor because I knew I would be there a while. So they have to have a pregnancy test on their end so we sat there or tried to with our 14month old son for 2 hours!!! Just to pee in a stupid cup and get results and tell me congrats you're 9 weeks.  Then I went into the OBGYN part and they usually see you right away to do the medical history and everything well they decided they couldn't and I have to wait until the 26th to tell them my medical history. That's not even to see my doctor. So by the time I get to see him I will probably be able to tell the gender. I just want to know that everything is okay and that there is only one! Not that twins wouldn't be an ultimate blessing but still! This is ridiculous! I just had to vent. Thanks for reading