Arguing with doctors?

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

I'm just curious why I see so many women saying they argued with the doctor about how far along they are, like if the doctor says you're 5 weeks based on LMP and then these women will argue that they're only 2-3 weeks. I know everyone is different, but they always measure based off the last period. So while yes you may have ovulated two weeks after the last period, they will still count from the last period. Right? So when someone argues with the doctor when they say they aren't measuring properly to be 5 weeks, then someone argues it is because they are only two or three weeks based on ovulation wouldn't it be kinda pointless? Cuz the doctor saying five weeks, basing it off LMP would mean the embryo itself is at the 3 week mark, but the pregnancy is at five weeks. I know this may sound confusing lol I tried to keep it all in order butmy thoughts are pretty scrambled.

**mind you this is in no way trying to piss people off I am genuinely curious as to why people argue with the doctor over this when it's how they measure everyone**