What would you do

I have a son already that will be 4 soon and I'm desperate for another one which me and my partner have been talking about we are both ready and going to try in the summer. My partner now is not my sons dad I finished with his dad over 3 years ago as he was never there for me and my son cheated on me multiple times never helped with bills put all his money on drugs so I could not take it anymore and left him I'm with my new partner now nearly 2 years he's amazing with me and my son. Any time pregnancy is mentioned in my home my sister always says no you can't have another child yet you can't have 2 children to 2 men you will need to be your new partner longer get engaged or married first it's only her that says that my mum and the rest of my family says I should have another one. Should I go with my heart and gut feeling and have my second or listen to my sister