Help!! Don't want to be too hopeful.

Kate • 21. Happily married to my best friend. TTC our rainbow baby.
My husband and I have been TTC for about 15 months (only thing, he's been deployed since March 2015... Woohoo almost done.) well, he recently got a 4 day pass and we met up in Europe to spend it together. AF showed up on the 23rd of January and according to my app I was in my ovulation days every day we were in Europe. We BD'd 2-3 times every day we were there (for obvious reasons) and for the last couple of days I've been needing to pee almost every single hour, I feel some mild headaches, and my boobs feel bigger to me. Not to mention the emotional breakdowns I've had the last two days (0-100 REAL QUICK!) now,  I usually try not to think about it bc I've had 3 miscarriages but he's so excited I feel like he asks me about it or mentions it every 3 hours so it's hard for me to not get excited.. 
So my question is, am I crazy? Could I be feeling any of these symptoms barely into week 3? Or am I just making myself think I'm pregnant causing the symptoms? HELP!!!!