Cheating husband


So last year me and my husband spereated. I dont know how long we were gonna be apart or if we were ever gonna get back togehter but 2 month after he had moved out we found out i was pregnant. No it wasnt some excuse to make him stay. But after 2 years and no luck my life had to fall apart for us to get pregnant. Anyways. I moved in with him and things have been ok i guess. I know hes hiding something from me but he just keeps lying to my face. We have had no connection since about September. He wants like nothing to do with me. He says my belly freaks him out.

So today i got on his tablet. The one i got his this yr for christmas and i found pictures of him and another girl with the date of the 27th of dec...2 days after fucking christmas. I have never felt so empty in my life. I asked him about it and he said we would talk when he gets home from work. He wants to know how i found it and tells me he broke it off. Ok why does it matter how i found it? And i asked when he broke it off and he told me 2 weeks ago.... like are u fucking kidding me. Our baby is due anyday now. The one thing i wanted in life and im so sick that i really dont see a point for anything anymore.

This is more of a rant then anything. I have no one to really talk to about this and anyone i do talk to about it will just blow up in my face and say i told you so. And i just honestly dont need that shit in my life right now.