Dogs and babies

My boy will be 3 in April. He is a dauchshund, otherwise known as a weenie dog. My son will be born in June. We have had several friends bring their babies over and they let my boy sniff and be near them. He seems to love babies. Crying doesn't bother him. He's very curious and will rest next to them. Some of the babies have tugged on his ears and pulled his hair. He just rolls over and takes it. 
I just wonder if there will be a day he'll flip so I don't let him stay near those babies without supervision. I received a bite that required stitches when I was very young from my mothers chow. She still kept him!  My mother nearly let me die on several occasions so this is no surprise but the point is dogs can be unpredictable. 
This is my boy and I'm going to keep an eye on him around my son. I love them both very much.