This is what I don't get about this whole porn thing

So if your significant other was watching a girl he knew masturbate or fuck someone else it would be considered cheating but if he doesn't know the girl and it's her job to masturbate and fuck people it's not cheating? Lmao. No no no honey it's ok if you watch this other girl to get off because she gets paid to be a slut but if you ever ask another girl to send u naked pics and I catch you then you're gone!!!
689 views • 12 upvotes • 17 comments



Posted at
I don't really understand what side of the issue you're on but regardless this post was unnesscary. Some see t as cheating some don't. Unless it's your relationship, it doesn't matter. That's something that needs to be discussed and agreed upon between people in a relationship. I don't see it as cheating, does that mean I'm gonna attack someone who does and make them feel bad? No. Bc it's not my business or my relationship. 


Caroline🌼 • Feb 11, 2016
There's so many posts every single day asking everyone's opinion. They're just posted to start fights 9/10 times.


✨JBR✨ • Feb 10, 2016
There's been so many today that it's silly. Lol like did these people just discover porn?


Katey • Feb 10, 2016
Yeah tell that to the several people posting about porn on here every day.


Posted at
Well I guess me and my SO are big fat cheaters then cause we both quite enjoy porn! 


🎀 Ashley • Feb 10, 2016
I'm with ya and I hardly understood this post.


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I agree with the post... That is all


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Can we just let people watch whatever they want? 🙄..I mean really😒 There are people in the world that actually like to watch their SO have sex live with other people.😱 It doesn't effect my marriage/life in any way. We won't always agree with other people's lifestyles. 😐


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I just think if your man is horny enough to wank off to porn why cant he find you and have an intimate time with u and then u both enjoy! Rather than him having a quick wank and tou left feeling shit


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Omg 🙄🙄 if you and your SO don't agree to porn that's fine. If you and your SO do agree to porn that's fine too. Can we worry about our own relationships, puhleassseeeee. 


Posted at
I never thought of it that way, you make a good point. I've always been against porn, and not because I thought of it as cheating, but for a plethora of other reasons, the main one being how degrading most of it is to women. To those women saying this post is pointless, we're all allowed to post whatever we want. She was sharing her opinion on the topic, if you don't care or don't agree about the topic, go along your merry way and find another post to read. It's not like glow is lacking in other posts or topics. 


Katey • Feb 11, 2016


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Porn is awesome. 


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To each their own.. For the thousandth time 


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The difference is, the woman on the porn is not real and she doesn't want your man.