Please read all!! Need advice on boyf behaviour recently

Okay please let me know if I'm being to clingy here but I think not! 
My boyfriend is 21 I'm 16 and I'm pregnant with his kid my first kid aswell ( I don't want hate ) well last weekend I went home Friday and he was with his sister he asked me if I wanted to get picked up that night by his sister cause she has to go and he told me aswell his mother was leaving so he'd have no car to pick me up well I said I'd get dropped off later at his house then two hours went by he didn't answer none of my calls or texts and he finally answered and told me he had his sisters car and then didn't contact me for all that weekend and then I called Sunday night and I found out he has the car all weekend and didn't bother to contact me to see him..
So it was his sisters birthday yesterday and they were having a dinner ( I didn't go cause I was very tired from pregnancy ) I called him after the dinner and he had told me he got home like 5-10 minutes ago and I told him I'd give him a call back and told him to get wifi and contact me through Facebook so he did messaged me once or twice and then stopped completely went off line I didn't bother contacting him coz I had no credit aswell to call but I borrowed someone's phone and called at 12 am cause I was having trouble with sleeping and I asked him to come pick me up and he's like yeah and I asked how and he said he had his sisters car and she lent it to him to pick me up and drop me off whenever I'd like to stay.. 
I was fumming coz this is twice he's done this and I know his sister probably thinks he's picking me up and stuff but he's not telling me he had her fucking car? Should I be worrying ? 
I feel as if I'm getting played as a fool