My beautiful birth story 🙏

I want to share with you my personal experience on the birth of what i call the man of my life 😍 ive heard a lot of stories ,different situations , i got obsessed trying to be "ready" since i was a ftm! What i learned is you go into labor and you and only you decide what you want! I tried to do all of what i read in the past didnt work for me.. I chose to be induced at 39 weeks (personal decision) i never progressed from 2 cm all monday strong contractions started i can only say worst pain ever i never thought it would feel like that .. waiting to get at least more dilated to get an epidural i had the longest hours of my life the pain was so bad that nurse told me to get it done because it will help to relax and dilate more i got the epidural and after that ill say i had a beautiful labor i jumped from 2 to 5 from 5 to 9 they started getting evrything ready by 1 am on tuesday i had my lil man by 1:45 All the advices i got from here helped to know more about pregnancy and im so thankful for you guys that answered my questions but i think at the end you do whats best for baby thats now our first priority and whats best for you ! Heres my little Eduardo born on 2.9.2016 at 1:45 am 7.7 lbs 😍👣