Help 😞

So my ex left me, and said he needed to figure himself out and be alone so we couldnt get back together... But then dates a girl barely a month after. What does this say?! I was that girl last year, we started dating exactly the same time last year.. 
It hurts so much and i want to be fine but its such a slap in the face when you thought you meanth something to someone and youre so replacable. Hes had several relationships like that and i just feel like yet another girl..
So what can i do? How do i feel better? I deleted him off of facebook but i still have him on snapchat and he looks at my stories. How do i make him realize he made a mistake? I dont want him back i just wanna prove that he made a giant mistake leaving me, because he did. Whats the best tips ladies?! Best photos? Best ways to feel good about myself again and trust again?!Â