period came

💞SuE💞 • 39/ TTC#1 4 rounds of clomid at 25mg. 1 round of ivf/fet failed dec16. 2nd round fresh failed 14feb17. fet in april17
my period came 3 days ago, super early on my holiday in Egypt. Wasn't expecting this at all though de of those horse riding trips around the pyramids did make me think oh crappp my insides are getting really shaken up. So after ovulating 4 eggs on my first round of clomid - lack of sex for the untimely ovulation resulted in not quads, as the doctor worried about, but nothing... what I was worried about. The first spots, I was in denial, as I had started to believe I had quads. Now I'm over it and ready to start the next round. only problem is I'm on holiday ( came here to pass my 2ww quicker) and I don't get back until tomorrow night. the earliest I can take clomid will now be day 5. but I take it day 2... really don't want to miss a cycle as I have pcos. what to do now.