17 hours later, baby girl is here πŸŽ‰πŸŽ€

Kristi β€’ 7.1.12 πŸ’—πŸ‘§πŸ½ 3.1.14 πŸ‘¦πŸ½πŸ’™ 2.11.16 πŸ‘§πŸ½πŸ’— 7.12.18πŸ’™
I went to my appointment at 36+6 and they said my blood pressure was elevated. An issue I had struggled with previously but it had corrected itself. Ended up diagnosing me with gestational hypertension and with already being monitored for polyhydramnios they thought the safest plan was to induce me the next day at 37 weeks. I came to the hospital at 7am. Got situated and the started me on a dose of misoprostol to see how I progressed. After 4 hours my cervix was unchanged so they gave me another dose at the same time as putting in a folly ball to aid in dilation to 4cm. That took another 4 hours but contractions were too painful. After the took it out they let me labor on my own for a little. And after a few hours I got to 5cm. A little bit longer and I made it to 6. Then they started pitocin so I opted for an epidural after 12 hours so I could rest. First epidural didn't take. I felt everything so after an hour they ended up re-doing it and thank God they did. My contractions came on so strong and so hard the nurses kept coming in to check me because the monitor was alarming them at how strong they were. They broke my water at that point because of the polyhydramnios. And after that it went super fast. It took about 45 minutes to get from 6 to completely ready to push. They asked me was I a good pusher, I told them with my other two kids I've never pushed more than 3 times. Three pushes later, our daughter entered the world. 6lbs 12 ounces, 19 1/2 inches long, and born at 12:35 am on February 11th, 2016. Even though it was a longer labor it was by far my best because they allowed me to go at a slower pace. I never felt rushed or forced into unnecessary tactics to get me to progress faster than I was ready for. She came out with her cord around her neck which was scary but everything turned out for the best. We're still deciding on a middle name but baby Jamia has entered the world. I'm officially a mother of 3 😊.